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The time of the year when all of are emotions are collectively stirring

There are two things for certain at this very moment in time. Those are that it’s been awhile since I have written a post but I don’t half ass my writing just to give frequent content. The second thing is that this time of the year often is a rollarcoaster of emotions for most of us. With that said, this is a heart felt post about the holiday season rollarcoaster and understanding that you are not alone.

Depending on who you are, where you’ve been, and where you wish you were or wish to go on the journey of life, the holidays can stir up a lot of thoughts and emotions aside from the normal day to day mental and emotional trials. For many of us, this is a time of reflection and vulnerability. We think about our relationships, the year coming to an end, an overall assessment of the year and who we have been and how we have progressed or taken steps back in that time. For the highly sensitive people out there or those who have experienced loss or hardship, this can be even more difficult to manage and balance during what is supposed to be “the most wonderful time of the year”.

I want to tell you that it’s ok. It’s ok to not be on top of the world right now, to retreat inward Emotionally a bit and struggle with where you are within yourself and who you want the rest of the world to see. In this holiday season, both of those things become especially difficult while we work to soak in and absorb all the amazing aspects the holidays season brings.

For me, and others who may be highly sensitive, I become very reflective and also very critical of how i am “showing up” and working to cherish and value the things this season brings. I often develop a deeper sensitivity towards my relationships but a level of frustration towards my self for not having overcome certain tribulations by this point that can impact the time I so desperately want to enjoy.

I guess what what I am trying to say is that regardless of the season or the times, remember you are human and a work in progress. If you are someone who holds yourself accountable, has insight, and increased inward awareness, it’s ok that you can’t necessarily put those on hold or Ignore those things even though you may want to. Over the past few days I have been reading about how we don’t get certain moments back and the value of celebration and relationships not only now but throughout life and with that, we need to work to be in the moment despite our inner work in order to be able to look back and take joy in the fact that we were present and able to get the most out of days we may never get back.

It can be a battle and difficult to know that our struggles can’t just go away based on the time of the year, our environment, relationships, etc. if it was that easy, we wouldn’t have to work that hard. But, what we need to do, and all we can do, is slow down racing minds and hearts and focus on that very moment, consider that it may never come again, and remember how we want to look back on it.

For the anxious, depressed, heartbroken people in the world, being in the present is the hardest thing. Slowly down your mind enough to let your heart take the lead and your irrational thoughts to take a back seat, just for a little, can be one of the most difficult tasks not just during the holidays but every day. When you catch yourself spiraling, zoning out,

panicking, or not valuing the moment and people right in front of you, find whatever coping skills or grounding practice you can in order to let your true self shine through and embrace that experice.

Remember, you are not alone and we can do this. But, in this life, the same trials and tribulations will continue to repeat until we are open to learning the lesson that is trying to be taught through them in order for us to move foreard and thrive

Life is messy, it’s hard, it’s complication, it’s imperfect, it’s a challenge, but, when we can find our inner peace inside ourselves, we realize that we are not alone, find ways to quiet our minds, and begin to find and embrace the beauty we are meant to through this one life we have.

I hope that as you and I keep moving forward, each experience and person teaches us a new way to find peace through our bigger picture and the lesson we are meant to learn.

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